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Committee Meeting minutes, 2nd July 2024


It's been a long time since the last committee meeting in January, but here are the minutes of the committee meeting held last week, Tuesday 2nd July 2024.

If you want to join the committee, then the club's Annual General Meeting is held in the first week of December, and all members are welcome to put themselves forward for any of the committee roles.

Meeting Start:- 7:30pm

Attendees:- Nick Cooper, Garry Atkins, Ian Knight, Billy Davies, Rupert Griffiths, Neil Adlem, Simon Healey, Tonia Stewart, Barry Pointer.

Apologies:- Max Webber, Adam Daly.

1). Welcome.

  • NC welcomed everyone to the meeting, but said he didn’t really have anything to say.

2). Past Minutes.

  • The minutes of the last committee meeting were accepted.

3). Matters Arising.

  • There was a discussion regarding the one broken TT clock, if to repair or purchase a new one. It was decided to try and carry on without it until the end of the season, as there are not any open TT’s in the schedule when two clocks would be required. 
  • IK will look at the clocks to see if the label gives an indication of who could repair/calibrate  the broken clock.

4). Racing Secretary, Ian Knight, Including item 12. Club Rides.

  • IK apologised to say that he is unable to continue as racing secretary, but will honour the remaining 3 Thruxton dates and will organise/run them.
  • There is a lack of AW members taking part in the TT’s even at Thruxton.
  • Although there has not been many road TT’s this year, Ian has been putting out the signs and cones himself trying to avoid putting a helper at risk.
  • The tankers and traffic lights have gone from Penton, so the Ludgershall course is available again.
  •  Ian aired the idea that he may look into running a TT series of 6 races, for 2025, 1 a month during the season next year under the AddVenture, banner, but, this is very much dependent on costs/numbers and will talk to Thruxton regarding this.
  • The discussion moved onto why are there are not many riders supporting TT’s and club rides.  IK said the club is splitting with members organising their own WhatsApp invitation only group rides, and not participating in clubs rides. The discussion moved onto “why?” there is such a poor attendance on Saturday rides lately, various opinions were aired to if the format is still relevant. 
  • With the lack of attendance at TT’s and clubs rides, NC proposed that a vote should take place to ‘wind the club up’ and an EGM. A vote took place, For = NC and GA.  Against = IK, BD, RG, NA, TS, SH, BP.
  • A survey will be created by TS and BD and sent out to the membership to ask exactly what they want from the club to try and improve it.

5). Secretary, Barry Pointer.

  • BP still does not have access to the AW secretary email address, therefore I do not receive any club related matters.  I have tried many combinations of the password, but since discovered that the email address has had the password changed and is still logged in. It was decided that I will create a similar one to the existing one which can be sent out to members advising the change. BD will also update the website with it.

6). Treasurer, Garry Atkins.

  • GA .  There is a discrepancy of £458.23 in the accounts Various thoughts about how the monies have become unaccountable, with TT’ payments to clothing being possible causes.  IK proposed write off the £458.23. A vote was taken and carried forward. 
  • GA said that cash in the bank stands at £4739.29 to date.

7). Membership Secretary, Rupert Griffiths.

  • RG reported there are 121 members, of which 8 Juniors, 2 Youths, 101 Seniors, 10 Oap’s, 23 Ladies and 7 2nd Claim.  Last year there were 136 members.
  • A discussion to outline that wearing club kit is not compulsory, but should be encouraged.

8). Clothing Officer, Neil Adlem.

  • NA reported that very few items of clothing have been sold. Neil is waiting for Neck Buffs from Harry Lodge/Halo Sports.   Harry informs NA that he cannot supply skinsuits and suggested contacting Nopinz.
  • NA and GA are to create and share a clothing spreadsheet, to help clarify clothing sales/stock.

9). Welfare Officer, Tonia Stewart

  • Nothing to report.

10). Welfare Officer, Simon Healey

  • Nothing to report.

11). Communication Officer/Website Editor, Billy Davies.

  • BD stated not much to report, but wants to split the role between Web site and communications, leaving the communications side to someone else. as there have been questions to the website not relating to AW. eg. Charity rides and someone asking to recommend a Physiotherapist.
  • A short discussion took place between BD and TH how to enable the survey, ref item 4.

11). Club Rides.

  • A discussion took place in item 4.
  • 12). AOB.

    • NA reported that there has been no interest for the post he placed on Facebook regarding the Cycling Festival this coming Sat 6th in Andover town centre.
    • The Autumn Tour was decided to be put on hold until results of the survey are back due to low attendance in previous years.

    12). Next Meeting.

    • It was aired that we should have more frequent committee meetings, and a date was set for Tuesday 3rd Sept 2024.  BP will contact New Street FC to arrange the meeting there, as we still pay £300 a year for the use of their facilities, but do not take advantage of them.

    Meeting ended:- 9:15pm