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Committee Meeting minutes, 3rd September 2024


Here are the minutes of the committee meeting held last week, Tuesday 3rd September 2024.

If you want to join the committee, then the club's Annual General Meeting is held in the first week of December, and all members are welcome to put themselves forward for any of the committee roles.

Meeting Start:- 7:30pm

Attendees:- Max Webber, Barry Pointer, Garry Atkins, Tonia Stewart, Billy Davies, Neil Adlem. Simon Healey.

Apologies:- Nick Cooper, Rupert Griffiths.

1). Welcome.

  • In the absence of NC, and no-one else wanting to do it 😊 BP thanked everyone for attending.

2). Past Minutes.

  • GA wished to amend the last meeting's minutes regarding £458.23 stating the discrepancy was between clothing stock and sales.

3). Matters Arising.

  • It was brought to the committee’s attention that IK has stopped being Racing Secretary. On behalf of Andover Wheelers, the committee would like to thank Ian for the commitment and organisation that he put in throughout a very difficult season due to road conditions and closures, with a big thank you for organising Thruxton events.

4). Racing Secretary, Ian Knight, Including item 12. Club Rides.

  • See above.  A new Racing Secretary will be required for 2025 season.

5). Secretary, Barry Pointer.

  • A new email address for the secretary role has been set up and is working for AW correspondence. British Cycling and Cycling Time Trials have confirmed the change.
  • RG emailed giving his apologies for tonight, also said there are 4 or 5 new members, but I do not yet have their details, so they have missed any emails that have been sent. RG says Saturday ride numbers are improving.

6). Treasurer, Garry Atkins.

  • GA is still waiting to receive final accounts from NCS.  
  • AW accounts are £5454.91. 
  • A PayPal payment was paid to AW and GA is not sure what it is, but thinks maybe from the card reader for TT payments.

7). Membership Secretary, Rupert Griffiths.

  • See item 5.

8). Clothing Officer, Neil Adlem.

  • NA reported that he is still waiting for the neck buffs to arrive and has chased HL at Halo Sports. 
  • NA says he has had to replace 4 or 5 items of clothing due to defects, but HL will repair/replace.
  • 12 items of clothing have been sold since April/May, mainly to existing members

9). Welfare Officer, Tonia Stewart

  • Nothing to report.

10). Welfare Officer, Simon Healey

  • SH raised a concern that pictures are being taken at TTs with children being included by a non-member and being posted on the AW Facebook page. It was noted that on the membership form there is a section that has to be filled out with regard to this issue. This will be something to monitor.

11). Communication Officer/Website Editor, Billy Davies.

  • SH will be also be Communication Officer so BD can solely concentrate on the AW website.

11). Club Rides.

  • See Item 5 
  • Also discussed, up-coming Sunday winter rides. AW currently does not have a ride captain, so MW agreed to put together a ride programme, with routes also being posted on the AW website.

12). AOB.

  • A discussion took place regarding the recent survey, 47 members replied. TS will collate and publish the results before the AGM.
  • SH and BD are organising a tour to Exeter for the 5th / 6th Oct 2024. Details have already been sent to AW members, and there is a Facebook post about this as well.
  • It was agreed to continue with the advertising board and storage along with New Street FC facilities for a cost of £200 for the year.
  • Annual Dinner and Presentation.  It was discussed that because there was no TT league this year, there are no trophies to present!  A discussion was had regarding a venue for a dinner or get together.

12). Next Meetings.

  • Committee meeting - 15/10/2024
  • Committee meeting - 12/11/2024
  • AGM - 10/12/2024

Meeting ended:- 9:15pm